منتديات ثانوية حساني عبد الكريم
المنتدى نور بوجودكـ تحياتي لكـ من فراشة المنتدى و زعيم الباك و رحيق الجنة
لكي تتمتع بكل خدمات المنتدى سجل معنا و كن فردا منا و في اسرتناا
ننتظرك..........لتنير منتدانا بنوركـ
منتديات ثانوية حساني عبد الكريم
المنتدى نور بوجودكـ تحياتي لكـ من فراشة المنتدى و زعيم الباك و رحيق الجنة
لكي تتمتع بكل خدمات المنتدى سجل معنا و كن فردا منا و في اسرتناا
ننتظرك..........لتنير منتدانا بنوركـ
منتديات ثانوية حساني عبد الكريم
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات ثانوية حساني عبد الكريم

الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولدخول الاعضاء


 بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
نائــــــــــــــــــــــــــــبة المدير
نائــــــــــــــــــــــــــــبة المدير

عدد المساهمات : 367
نقاط : 10331
السٌّمعَة : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/02/2011
العمر : 31
البلد : الجزائر
المهنة / المستوى الدراسي : طالبة
المزاج : لطالما تبسمة و في قلبي الف دمعة و دمعة

بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث    بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث  I_icon_minitimeالإثنين فبراير 14, 2011 7:02 am

Of the most prominent problems of the environment and
the most complex and most difficult solution to the problem of contamination of
soil and water of the sea, rivers, lakes and groundwater, and result in
pollution from wastes and residues of factories, and the use of chemicals such
as pesticides and artificial fertilizers in agriculture, also produces the
waste remnants of homes, buildings and other installations.

The problem of this pollution to increase the
production and use of chemicals in industry, where the disposal of these
materials to contaminate soil and water, increasing the size of the problem of
pollution from industry when there is negligence or lack of interest in the
disposal of waste chemical plants means that keeps the soil and water
pollution, In the copper ore smelting operations, for example, leaking
poisonous arsenic and mixed metal raw soil and water, if there is no accurate
measures to prevent leakage of arsenic into the soil and water. The proportion
of lead in soil and water sources close to the rapid transport routes, due to
the presence of lead compounds in gasoline cars, such vehicles, where he
graduated with car exhaust pollution of soil and water from the nearby roads.

is the area surrounding organisms affecting it and affected by it so it must
avoid any imbalance in the ecosystem because this imbalance is reflected more
or less on the objects that live by and is the environmental pollution and one
of the most important negative impacts on the environment and in view of him is
the environmental pollution is the basis

first, which impedes the environment for carrying out its functions naturally
occur as a result of natural causes or industrial impact one way or another on
living organisms as a whole.

environmental pollution of the most dangerous types of pollution as it
threatens all humanity

pollution causes for ischemic stroke, where scientists in Taiwan revealed the
existence of a clear relationship between increasing levels of two common
pollutants and the incidence of stroke, especially on hot days and can cause
harm to crops, and carries life-threatening diseases.

Air pollution: air pollution we mean the presence
of harmful substances by inflicting damage to human health in the first place
and then the environment in which we live and classification of air pollutants
into two parts.

Pollution waste
: types
of environmental pollution, waste and pollution, which include: Garbage -
radioactive waste.

- Visual pollution: is the distortion of any landscape
is felt by the human eye when viewed uneasy myself, and we can also be
described as a kind of lack of artistic taste, or the disappearance of the
aesthetic image of everything around us from the buildings ... To the roads ...
Or sidewalks.

- Water pollution: water pollution includes pollution of fresh
water first, second pollution of the marine environment.

- Noise pollution: noise pollution associated with noise or
closely linked to urban and more developed places, especially places of
industrial expansion in the use of machinery and means of modern technology.

- Contamination of soil (dry): The soil is a source of good and
fruits, one of the most elements that harm human use in this environment. It is
measured by not realize how important it is the primary source of food for him
and his family, and the resulting lack of awareness and understanding of this
fact neglect them.

- Food contamination: contamination of foods is
increasing day after day is alarmingly even in developed countries with the
highest levels of care and attention may be the result of one of the following

* Pollution Damage:

1 - the emergence of various environmental problems,
including the population explosion.

2 - acid rain .. More about the phenomenon of acid

3 - disruption of biological diversity (biodiversity
site Fido) and the extinction of some aspects of plant and animal life.

4 - the erosion of the ozone layer.

5 - the phenomenon of global warming.

6 - the phenomenon of desertification (Desertification
on Fido) and the poverty of agricultural soils.

7 - exposure airspace of airports for air pollution,
leading to lower field of vision horizontal and vertical wind the greater the
content of dust and suspended particles and harmful gases.

8 - Thermal coups and instability of the climate,
especially during the winter or during the hours of the night increases the
concentration of heavy metals in air of chromium, cadmium, lead and nickel.

9 - damaging effects, Valtrkizat high lead and sulfur
oxides are the colors of the effects on erosion over thousands of years and
that the ability of these oxides to interact with the components of those
colors. On the other hand mixes under the influence of climatic conditions with
drops of dew and converted into acid which helps to erosion of calcium
carbonate, consisting of the Statue of "Sphinx" in Egypt.

10 - a fire, through the self-ignition that occurs
bodies, wastewater, especially in the summer days with high temperature, a
result of the reactions and fermentation of anaerobic gases and reducing such
as sulfide hydrogen known as foul-smelling methane and other gases, toxic,
flammable as a result of industrial activity contribute to the extent the largest
in the processes of pollution.

11 - increasing proportions of the oxides and heavy
metals harmful airborne as presented on the pages of Fido site, especially
lead, which contributes to the sector, metal smelting, power generation and
plastic factories, rubber and chemicals.

12 - not easy to purify sewage, and final disposal of
liquid waste to the factories.

13 - the survival of industrial pollutants
agricultural soil for a long period of time, and the difficulty of access to
healthy food for humans. Because agricultural soils containing clay granules,
which are properties of coherence and strength of gravity, which makes entry
into force of water which is weak and thus survival probability of industrial
pollutants in the land for a long period of time.

14 - decreasing areas of arable land to meet the
industrial invasion, and thus change the parameters of the distribution of
population and industrial facilities and the lack of fit between what areas of
the occupied areas and inhabited by the population.

15 - increasing air humidity air to the large bodies
of water to divert the waste industry, which constitutes a threat to power
grids and wires and the threat of passing humans.

16 - increasing the flow of heat coming from the
industrial areas (control temperature changes in human behavior Fido site) and
the loader of the different plankton contaminants and dust and smoke.

*How can we
protect the environment???

To protect
the environment from air pollution .. We need to raise awareness of the permanent

the culture
of the citizen, wherever .. At home to work in the way .. The simplest is the
cultivation of green spaces and preservation of the resplendent in order to
increase the proportion of oxygen in the air .. The second thing .. is to
impose hefty fines on factories out toxins from the Mdakhanha us without
putting filters on the chimneys. But what to do in the ozone hole, which
continues to increase with the bad when we need it for electric appliances (air
conditioning, etc. )?

With the
development of modern life to become more comfortable, safer and more
prosperous, there was a growing trend to produce goods that are used once and
then discarded. Which has resulted in all sorts of environmental problems,
including air and water pollution, and destruction of the natural environment,
and that the phenomenon of global warming, in addition to massive amounts of
waste. The protection of the environment one of the tasks vital not only for
Japan but for the world as a whole. Because the leadership of the Japanese
government to involve many Japanese now in numerous activities and efforts to
protect the environment. Need our daily lives leisured to huge amounts of
energy including electricity, natural gas, gasoline and lead the production of electricity,
as well as operate the machines by burning fuels such as oil or coal to release
carbon dioxide and other gases into the air, these gases that are causing
problems such as global warming and air pollution. The main greenhouse gases on
the rise of temperature in various parts of the world. In order to prevent it
must reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases associated with. In
the course of the Third International Conference on the environment, which is
one of the most important conferences held to prevent global warming, the
Japanese city of Kyoto in 1997, and promised many countries to reduce
quantities of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming produced by these
countries. Japan is working hard to assist developing countries in various
parts of the world to address environmental problems through, for example, to
supply technology for recycling, as well as technology, the elimination of
emissions of greenhouse gases, in addition to other types of technology
preservation of the environment

If we
diminish the air pollution will protect the environment (air pollution caused
by factory waste .. forest fires .... smoke exhaust from the cars ...... All of
this leads to air pollution if we controlled the problems leading to the
pollution of air and that the deployment of awareness about the dangers of this
exhaust between the people and they have been accepted and there is the fear on
the environment from pollution and will remain the barbarian we fear on the
environment of neglect by the people and abused her, and here too we must limit
these problems

In short, humans
can protect the environment from this epidemic

And global, such as:

of the danger of a person what is happening

stop the licenses of industrial activity, which destroys the environment.

- the displacement of polluting industries
away from the places of concentration of people plan a specific time,

Development of methods for combating air pollution,

the development and disposal of garbage and waste,

- to
carry out a forestation on a large scale to get rid of air pollutants and

the establishment of marine reserves

Pollution global aggression, for it has
gained status as the global pollutants move from the far north to the far
south, it knows no boundaries, regional him. There are many countries that are
not engaged in industrial or mining, but similarly suffer from pollution.
Winds, clouds, and water currents contribute to the transport of contaminants
Bldaly another, and an example: pollution from burning wells, Kuwait Petroleum,
where scholars are agreed that the effects of cloud of black smoke are not
limited to the State of Kuwait, but they crossed the Black Sea and took
threaten Romania and Bulgaria.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو شاطر
عضو شاطر

عدد المساهمات : 208
نقاط : 9995
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/02/2011
العمر : 28
البلد : Algiers
المهنة / المستوى الدراسي : 3متوسط
المزاج : SAD

بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث    بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث  I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء فبراير 15, 2011 6:14 am

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
نائــــــــــــــــــــــــــــبة المدير
نائــــــــــــــــــــــــــــبة المدير

عدد المساهمات : 367
نقاط : 10331
السٌّمعَة : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/02/2011
العمر : 31
البلد : الجزائر
المهنة / المستوى الدراسي : طالبة
المزاج : لطالما تبسمة و في قلبي الف دمعة و دمعة

بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث    بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث  I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء فبراير 16, 2011 5:20 pm

انا في الخدمة اخي
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
زعيم الباك
زعيم الباك

عدد المساهمات : 1399
نقاط : 13575
السٌّمعَة : 7
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/10/2010
العمر : 32
البلد : وادي سوف - حساني عبد الكريم
المهنة / المستوى الدراسي : آه يا الباك
المزاج : !!!

بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث    بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث  I_icon_minitimeالسبت مارس 12, 2011 1:53 pm

شكرا بارك الله فيكي
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
بحث لثانية ثانوي حول التلوث
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتديات ثانوية حساني عبد الكريم :: منتدى الأستــــــــــــــــاذ و الطــــــــــــالب :: أخبار الثانوية و البلدة و الدردشة بين الاعضاء-
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